
Showing posts from December, 2022


Mudanças Em Dezembro de 2022, ambos os  websites , o " IT'S ONLY BUSES " e o " MY POLIGURI COLLECTION ", chegaram definitivamente ao fim do seu percurso, com, respectivamente, mais de 191 000 e 23 000 visualizações. Todavia, alguns dos conteúdos publicados entre 2009 a 2016 têm vindo a ser incluídos, actualizados e com imagens num formato padrão maior, nos seus sucessores, o " FUTURE MEMORY | TRANSPORTATION " e o " FUTURE MEMORY | TOYS & MODELS ". Ambos os  websites , o " IT'S ONLY BUSES " e o " MY POLIGURI COLLECTION ", nasceram num tempo em que julgava ser possível manter um ponto de encontro para cada um dos meus temas de pesquisa – " IT'S ONLY BUSES ", " IT'S ONLY TRAINS ", " MY POLIGURI COLLECTION ", para mencionar apenas alguns. Após disponibilizar cinco dos títulos anunciados, compreendi que estava errado e em 2016 defini outro conceito, o " FUTURE MEMORY ",  o...

Thank You

Changes In December 2022, both websites, " IT'S ONLY BUSES " and " MY POLIGURI COLLECTION ", definitely reached the end of their path, with, respectively, more than 191,000 and 23,000 views. However, some of the contents published between 2009 and 2016 have been included, updated and with images in a larger standard format, in its successors, " FUTURE MEMORY | TRANSPORTATION " and " FUTURE MEMORY | TOYS & MODELS ". Both websites, " IT'S ONLY BUSES " and " MY POLIGURI COLLECTION ", were born at a time when I thought it was possible to maintain a meeting point for each of my research topics – " IT'S ONLY BUSES ", " IT'S ONLY TRAINS ", " MY POLIGURI COLLECTION ", to mention just a few. After making five of the announced titles available, I understood that I was wrong and in 2016 I defined another concept, " FUTURE MEMORY ", online since 2018, with only three research top...