
So Cute!

Sometimes, things just happen.  Impatient, tired of staying still for the photo, some miniatures rebel and run away across the room. Others run across the table and jump into our hands, asking for affection and play. There is nothing to do but smile and pet them. Then, they calm down and everything goes back to normal and you can patiently take the photos. In this case, they turned out really cool – as you'll see in a while. ● Por vezes, a coisa acontece.  Impacientes, cansadas de ficar quietinhas para a fotografia, algumas miniaturas revoltam-se e fogem pela sala. Outras correm pela mesa e saltam-nos para as mãos, a pedir mimos e brincadeira. Não há nada a fazer a não ser sorrir e fazer-lhes festas. Depois, aquietam-se e volta tudo ao normal e lá se consegue, pacientemente, as fotografias. Neste caso, ficaram mesmo giras – como se poderá ver daqui a uns tempos.  ●

Brumm – Bugatti "Brescia"

Scale model of a race car, the Bugatti "Brescia" , made by Brumm . This example is reference r39, included in the "Serie Oro". It is made in Italy. This is an early 1980s example. Metal body painted in light greenish blue. Racing number "7" printed on the radiator grille and applied as a decal to the sides of the hood. Metal base replicating the chassis, also painted light greenish blue. On the chassis, partial reproduction, in gray plastic, of the engine and gearbox. Spare tire mounted at the rear, attached to the fuel tank. Details of the cockpit in black plastic, including the steering wheel and the seats and floor. Dashboard molded in metal. Tires in yellowish white plastic, detailed with thread and shoulder blocks, black plastic spoked rims. No suspension. The nominal scale is 1:43 and the overall length is approximately 2.8 in, or 3 in, including the spare tire. About 1.2 oz. This model represents a race car, presumably the Bugatti Type 22 ¹ numbe...

Matchbox – 1936 Jaguar SS100

Scale model of an automobile, the 1936 Jaguar SS100 , made by  Matchbox . This example is reference Y-1  ¹ , included in the "Models of Yesteryear" series. It is made in England from 1977 to 1991. This is an early 1980s example. Metal body painted in dark green. Metal base also in dark green, comprising in a single element the fenders, running boards and a reproduction of the chassis. Rear-mounted spare tire. No glazing in the "chrome" plastic windscreen, kept in a folded position. Interior details in black plastic, including the steering wheel, seats and floor. Rubber tires detailed with thread and shoulder blocks, plastic spoked rims in "chrome" plastic. No suspension. License plate "DLB 185". The nominal scale is 1:38 and the overall length is approximately 4.1 in. About 3.2 oz. This model represents an automobile, a  SS Jaguar 100  from 1936, equipped with a 6-cylinder in-line engine with 162.5 cu in (2663 cm³) and 102 bhp (76 kW). Top speed ...

Obrigado 2023

Obstáculos Em termos editoriais, 2023 foi um ano sem surpresas para os sítios " FUTURE MEMORY | TRANSPORTATION " e " FUTURE MEMORY | TOYS & MODELS ". Mas é progressivamente nítido que uma só vida não chega para partilhar todo o meu espólio fotográfico. Ainda assim, tenho a consciência tranquila de ter procurado ao longo dos últimos anos partilhar o máximo possível – apesar dos obstáculos quase permanentes, sobretudo no " FM | T ". O que exige mais tempo é a pesquisa e a necessária verificação de dados, por vezes inexplicavelmente dificultada pelas próprias fontes. Como exemplo, este ano pedi à Carris e à CaetanoBus para me ajudarem a esclarecer duas dúvidas colocadas por leitores – e chocou-me a rudeza das suas reacções para comigo. Algo que não esqueço. Desde 2006 que procuro mostrar aos leitores em todo o mundo a evolução positiva do sector dos transportes em Portugal – contribuindo para o seu devido conhecimento e valorização. Há obstáculos que não ...

Thank You 2023

Obstacles In editorial terms, 2023 was a year without surprises for the " FUTURE MEMORY | TRANSPORTATION " and " FUTURE MEMORY | TOYS & MODELS " websites. But it is increasingly clear that one life is not enough to share my entire photographic collection. Even so, I have a clear conscience that over the last few years I have tried to share as much as possible – despite almost permanent obstacles, especially on the " FM | T ". What requires more time is the research and necessary data verification, sometimes inexplicably made difficult by the sources themselves. As an example, this year I asked Carris and CaetanoBus to help me clarify two questions posed by readers – and I was shocked by the rudeness of their reactions towards me. Something I won't forget. Since 2006, I have tried to show readers around the world the positive evolution of the transportation sector in Portugal – contributing to its proper knowledge and appreciation. There are obstacl...